
We offer consultancy in all stages of the data science and machine learning lifecycle

Cambridge Machine Learning offer services spanning strategic planning, designing data and app architectures, exploratory data analysis and machine learning modelling and optimisation. We have worked on projects at different stages of the lifecylce - some to provide assistance to existing ML projects, some initial prospecting, and others end to end from design, data collection, through to production, launch and maintenance.


What work we do


Our expertise

We design data and machine learning strategies to fit your business/research needs. We are a full-service consultancy offering training and recruitment support, strategy and solutions design,
implementation, maintenance and deployment.

Full-Stack Development

Our team span the skills required for successful implementation of an end to end project, specialising in data science, data engineering and machine lerning. Our experience in deploying real-world application has allowed to expand to include front-end design and website/application development.

Machine Learning

We design, train and optimise cutting-edge machine learning models from your data for effective applications.

A.I. strategy

Our senior team members have a wealth of experience in developing strategy for data, ml and business goals.

Exploratory data analysis

We help you to discover patterns in your data and identify where it can provide value for your business.

“CML provided us incredible support in understanding our data and optimising our machine learning models for deploying our solution to customers worldwide.”

Outfield Technologies, Cambridge, UK

“CML worked with us to critique and design a cloud-based, end to end machine learning pipeline for our end client. They were very happy with the final solution and felt much more prepared for deploying their solution to production in the next quarter.”

London-based data science consultancy

“CML helped us in developing our screening process for building our first data science team. They did a fantastic job in helping us to understand the skills we needed, how to identify a strong candidate, and created an extensive screening test for potential candidates.”

Global Pricing

Previous Projects:

Disease detection

US medical device company

CML consulted on an existing machine learning project with the aim of improvement of their data selection and cleaning proccess, machine learning optimisation and pipleline in order to pass review of a governmental regulatory body. This also involved knowledge transfer with their in-house data science team.

The outcome was a highly robust data processing pipeline and optimised machine learning algorithm.


Bot detection for account fraud

Fraud detection startup

CML was brough in to advise on the cloud architecture and machine learning modelling design, looking to upgrade their system from a rule-based logic of detecting fraud, to implementing machine learning solutions.


Cloud data engineering

UK Telecoms company

CML provided architectural design for a number of data projects involving reporting, analytics, cloud integration and security.

We worked with a range of senior and technical teams across the company, providing support with training, prospecting third party integrations and recruitment for technical teams.


Medical imaging

UK medical imaging company

Over the course of two months CML assisted a UK startup in the process of optimising their image recognition of MRI scans and improving their ML processing for defining boundaries of interest within the images.


Mobile application for data processing and treatment in mental health

Cambridge Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit

Working with a team of professionals and a focus group over the course of six months, we designed and developed a smartphone app able to provide remote treatment and collect data from consenting users for ongoing analysis, following on with a longer term maintanence of the technology.


Property Predictions

Curo housing association

CML provided consultancy and training support to help Curo turn their large amount of data into company insights and cutting edge machine learning solutions, such as predicting the urgency for roof repair on their properties and risk detection for arrear debt to support their customers.


Growth predictions

Outfield Technologies

CML were brought in for optimising deep learning models, applying drones and machine learning to estimate the yield of large-scale farms and orchards.